Herbalism is a Way of Life
Working with the herbs is an orientation, an alignment with the seasons and cycles of life.
When the greens sprout, the flowers bloom, the fruit ripens, the seeds fall, and the roots sink into the Earth, we’re there, basket in hand communing with the plants, with gratitude in our hearts.
The plants don’t wait for us to be ready. They don’t pause if we are preoccupied with human things.
They come and they go.
Ripen and ferment.
Live and die.
We have learned to watch and listen. We have learned to adjust our rhythms to those of nature.
This in itself is medicine.
Like the plants, we are cyclical beings. When we honour our cycles, we create more fluidity in our nervous systems, more capacity to adapt and thrive as our environment changes around us.
Becoming an Herbalist is so much more than a career choice. It is the path that allows us to engage and merge with the vast web of life that is constantly unfolding around us.
What connects you to life’s cycles?