Healing the Nervous System
The nervous system has a natural rhythm of expansion and contraction, ups and downs, just like the breath: inhale, exhale.
When we experience trauma, and it goes unprocessed, the nervous system’s rhythm is interrupted and our capacity for normal fluctuations becomes unavailable. Everyday events can become triggers, and regulating emotional responses can feel impossible. This is nervous system dysregulation.
Nervous system dysregulated is a physiological experience. Our body shifts into hyperarousal (flight/flight) or hypoarousal (freeze), and we experience physical changes in our breathing, breath, heart rate, muscle tone, digestion and perception.
A dysregulated nervous system needs to be met through the body. Our rational brain is no longer available for reasoning when we are highly dysregulated; we are in survival mode. We need to physically feel that our body is safe; words are not typically enough!
This is why somatic therapy is so potent. Clients get to have the experience of feeling physically safe and embodied (in their body), which brings their nervous system back into regulation.
When we feel safe in our body we have the capacity to integrate past traumas, and face things that used to be scary or overwhelming. We are able to grow and expand into stronger, more empowered versions of ourselves.
Somatic work isn’t about taking away challenges, but rather creating a resilient nervous system that can handle challenging experiences, and stay regulated through the waves of life.
A Few Signs of Dysregulation
Tension in the body
Unable to take deep breaths
Racing heart
A feeling of floating or not being inside your body
Anxiety, rage or shame that take over your experience
Easily startled or triggered into highly emotional states or emotional numbness
A Few Signs of Regulation
Relaxed open body language
Able to regulate breathing and take slow deep breaths
A feeling of being inside your body
Able to stay present through emotional moments
If you resonate with the information shared here, I encourage you to seek out somatic tools for regulating your nervous system and resolving trauma held in the body.