Rewriting Patterns
In our culture it’s common for people to override pain, hunger, exhaustion, and boundary cues… because we want to be liked, accepted, celebrated, respected, valued, validated. It may be the only way we know how to survive.
In the hierarchy of human needs being loved and a part of a community is above self esteem and self actualization (growing into our potential). If we don’t feel fundamentally loved and supported, it’s hard for us to show up as ourselves, and honor our needs.
This is an invitation to pause and check in.
Are the choices you’re making for you or another?
In cases where your own needs are being put aside, what would happen if you tried something different?
It’s common to feel like there is no other way to be. If we were to step outside of the roles we play that everything would fall apart. This “black and white” thinking is usually an indication of a belief system that was formed at a young developmental stage that may no longer be true.
When self abandoning feels like the only option for survival as children, the pattern will continue to play out into adulthood until it’s intentionally met with the pieces that were missing, which are typically love, acceptance and choice.
While it can be painful to feel the support that was missing when we needed it most, allowing ourselves to feel it and accepting support now, in current time, can heal these core beliefs about our value and place in the world.
I am honored to hold space for individuals to explore these inner themes and rewrite their story, so they can live more embodied, empowered lives. I’m now accepting clients into my Sanctuary container, a four or twelve week somatic experience of reimagining the person we get to be in this world with the support of herbal medicine and embodiment tools.
You can check out the link below to learn more about Sanctuary.